£ 20.00


Neelibhringadi Oil is an Ayurvedic hair oil, used to improve quality of hair, to treat split hairs, premature greying and baldness. This herbal oil is formulated based on Kerala Ayurvedic principles.

Neelibhringadi Thailam Uses: 
Premature greying, baldness, split hairs, hair loss, scalp itching and dandruff.
Useful in itchy scalp, hair thinning

How to use Nilibhringadi Oil :

  • This oil is meant to be used for external application only. It is applied over scalp, followed by gentle massage for five minutes.
  • It can be applied at night and hair wash can be done in the morning.
  • It can also be applied in the morning, half an hour before head bath.
  • In small quantities, it can be applied on daily basis.

To wash off the oil – herbal hair wash powder is preferred. If not, soap or shampoo are also fine to use

How long to use: 

It can be used for a very long period of time.
If you intend to have good beard growth, it can be applied on beard as well, at night or 1 hour before face wash.

Principle adopted in making this herbal oil: 
In this herbal oil, the herbs are infused in the medium of sesame oil / coconut oil along with herb water decoction. Then the solid waste herb materials are filtered out. Thus, this oil contains oil soluble and water soluble Phyto-active principles of medicinal herbs.

Nelibhringadi Coconut Oil  ingredients:
Neeli swarasa – Juice extract or decoction of Indigofera tinctorea – 768 ml
Bhringaraja swarasa – Juice extract or decoction of Eclipta alba – 768 ml
Shatakratulata (Karnasphota) –  Cardiospermum helicacabum – decoction – 768 ml
Dhatri – Amla – Emblica officinalis – 768 ml
Aja ksheera – Goat milk – 768 ml
Nalikera Ksheera – coconut – 768 ml
Mahishiksheera – Buffalo milk – 768 ml
Dhenudbhava – Cow milk – 768 ml
Taila – Coconut oil – 768 ml
Yashti – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra – 32 g
Gunjamoola – Root of Abrus precatorius – 32 g
Anjana – Aqueous extract of berberis aristata ( or purified and processed lead sulphide) – 32 g

The oil prepared with coconut oil base is called – Neelibhringadi Kera thailam


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